Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Starting Small

Well...not really.  I don't know why, but I am literally having the hardest time NOT buying supplies for my classroom!  It's terrible because I honestly have no idea what I already have (we're in the process of moving so EVERYTHING is packed and a disaster) or what is in the room already or what the room even looks like!  It's totally acceptable to blame Pinterest and TPT right?  Unfortunately my other half doesn't find the same thrill in either of those ... or in attempting to recreate so many of the beautiful masterpieces that teachers blog about.  Apparently it's counter productive to bring more things into the house and make more of a mess when you're trying to move.  But there are just some things that can't be helped and the excitement of a new school year is one of those things...except by indulging it!

I totally wish I was one of those super artsy crafty women I follow and read about.  I'm more of that person who knows exactly what she wants but can't find it, but also can't make it herself.  Although, it doesn't mean I'm not going to try.  I've read all over about how wonderful the Dollar Store can be in making and creating, not to mention everything is ONLY a dollar!  Well, that is until you buy 37 items...oops.

Anyway, so I figured I'd check out the Dollar General by my house.  Now other than never being able to find exactly what I want, when I go shopping for something specific...can't find it.  However, I walk into Target for a birthday card and walk out $50+ later...without a birthday card.  So needless to say, I wasn't feeling entirely hopeful (which would've been a good thing for my wallet).  I think the problem is that I didn't necessarily go there for something specific, rather just see what I could find.  And find, I, did.  I'll post more pictures of my other finds later...basically because I have NO idea what I'm even going to do with them, but I'm sure someone out there will have a brilliant idea. 

One thing I did find were these $1 black picture frames.  I'd seen somewhere (I can't remember, but if someone else does please let me know so I can give credit) about using picture frames as cute dry erase boards, for example, to write subject objectives on!  I love the idea because I think it'll be a great to write them, then be able to re-write them into "I Can" statements, and then have them displayed really cute in the classroom for students to reference.

My plan for my classroom (again that I haven't seen yet) is to do black with pops of bright color or black and white with pops of bright color.  I found this Classroom Decor on TPT by Joey at Create Teach and Share that I want to purchase and use.  Plus she also has a matching Teacher Binder and the more cohesive things are, the more calm I am.  It's really a win-win.  Calm + Cute!  So to go along with her beautiful design, I made these little numbers (still trying to figure out how I'll hang them, but it'll help once I see the space).

Pattern & Light
Solid & Bright

The only thing is, I only made 5 and I can't decide which ones to go with??  But not bad for $5.  I used scrapbooking paper that I already had and for the subjects I haven't decided if I'll use sticker letters or a paint marker.  I'll add updated pictures once they are up and in use.  Any thoughts or suggestions are always appreciated.  Spread the joy!

God Bless & Namaste

Monday, July 20, 2015

New Beginnings

2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come."  
I haven't always been a Christian.  I, like a lot of people, had a bad taste about Christianity.  But, I always say, God brought me back to Christ through my son.  I now have a relationship with a God I didn't know existed and am so humbled by His grace and love.  As a Christian, I feel I have one responsibility here - love like Jesus to bring more of God's children home to Him.  It's a hefty aspiration and I fail at it daily, but I won't give up, because He won't give up on me.  So why do I start with that when my intentions are for this to be about teaching?  While I do teach in a public school setting, being a teacher rooted in my Christian beliefs I feel can only make me a better teacher. 

Next month, well about 3 weeks from now, I will be starting my 2nd year as a teacher in my 2nd school.  I absolutely believe that God's plan is ALWAYS better than our own.  This summer, I didn't know if I would have a job come this fall.  I was sending out applications daily.  I was getting rejections and interview invitations.  I was constantly reminding myself that God's plan is always better than my own and to trust in Him.  If I'm being honest, that last part was really hard at times.  Compared to the number of positions I applied for, I went on interviews for about 1% them.

I have found so many great ideas and amazing advice and tips from other bloggers that I thought it might be a good community to become a part of - because let's face it, teaching can be tough.  I've never "blogged" (is that right?) before though, so...not entirely sure what I'm doing, but I came across The Cutest Blog on the Block and found a LOT of helpful information.  To say I am excited to start the school year with my 5th grade class is an enormous understatement.  However, it's also stressful...nerve racking...it's emotional!  So if you're a new teacher too, maybe we can share stories and be virtual shoulders for each other.  If you're a veteran teacher with advice to share, please do!  If you're a veteran teacher who also needs a shoulder, welcome!  But I hope, regardless of what happens in my day to day, to share the JOY that can only come from being a part of another's journey, with you.

God Bless & Namaste.    